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My Story

A bit of insight of who and what The Golden Lioness is .


My name is Andreea Francis, I am a young woman originally from Romania. I came to the UK 13 years ago to follow my best friend who was such important part of my life and already moved to the UK with her parents.


And ... I never left.


I am a devoted wife and mother of 3 . The children are the centre of my life.


God and my family are my paramount priority.


Due to life ups and down, I, myself been through Divorce, Non-molestation Order request and later on why not, Child Arrangements proceedings. Life isn't always as we hope or plan it to be. But, I am grateful for everything, the rough seasons taught me a great deal of life lessons and gave me a deeper sense of who I am, where I want to be, what my life direction is and what my life goals and focus are, and while some changed some remained unchanged ,the Family and the Children and after Divorce I added myself to the priority list.


I am currently working as a Court Clerk in Civil & Family Court at Gloucester. From the Clerks desk at the front of the court room, I assisted and watched over numerous private law cases, non-molestation hearings, care proceedings and divorce hearings. I listened to numerous life stories daily, happy and sad endings and then I issued the Orders , yet to follow the family for the rest of their lives.


In all this time at the Family Court I seen parents trying to wrestle the schizophrenic system in order to see their kids, or take them for a holiday or apply for a passport and the list is long. I seen parents paying thousands of hardly earned pounds on solicitors who gas light the conflict between the parties in order to keep their clients in court for longer so their Law firms can continue to charge the clients ridiculous amounts of money for each hour of engagement and who's opinions and law schools after all weighing nothing before a Family Court Judge.


A lot of families end up in serious financial struggles and potentially life long debts after paying useless solicitor services  in the Family Court proceedings and without the order sought because the solicitors can't guarantee the clients success. The clients success in the family court does not depend on the solicitors experience or quality of service.  


The family court users only need guidance and moral support to do it themselves and save their hardly earned money.


My personal and professional experience as McKenzie Friend,  well combined together created a fearless warrior for the children and families in need , The Golden Lioness has been born from my eager desire to come out the seat and help the family court users to fight the system rather than type their Orders.


My knowledge of family court system and proceedings, my life and work experience are a good asset for anyone in need of support during court proceedings.


The Golden Lioness as a name is a written representation of a woman and mother who seen the just and the unjust and worked through it . A Lioness ready to support others in their journey towards their Little Precious Ones. 


A trusted Family Court Partner . 

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